Description based on Specified Commercial Transactions Law

Company NameSophia International Co., Ltd.
Representative’s nameCEO 徐 学謙 (XU XUEQIAN)
Company locationNo. 102 N Flat, 2-6-15 Sakaemachi, Soka City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan
Telephone reception hoursReception hours 10:00-18:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
※If it is outside of reception hours, please contact us by email.
Homepage URL
Selling priceThis will be displayed on your screen during the purchase process. Sales prices vary depending on the product. Please see each product page on our website for details. Consumption tax is displayed including tax.
Necessary charges other than product priceInternet connection fees and communication fees necessary for viewing pages on this site, purchasing content, downloading software, etc. are to be borne by the customer. In addition to consumption tax, local use tax, optional tours, etc. will be required, but details in such cases will be listed separately or contacted in advance.
Sales quantityFrom 1 piece
Product delivery time and method etc.After confirming your product reservation, we will issue a voucher. The period until reservation confirmation varies depending on the product and tour.
Depending on the product, you may need to exchange your voucher for a ticket on-site.
Details will be listed separately or we will contact you in advance.
Payment method/timingVarious credit cards, PayPal
Payment period: As a general rule, payment is made immediately.
Returns/Cancellations1.Returns and cancellations due to customer convenience
Cancellations and refunds for reservations vary depending on each activity’s cancellation policy.
[If there is no cancellation fee] Each member can cancel from the membership page within the cancellation fee free period.
2.If the activity is canceled due to bad weather or unforeseen circumstances
If the activity is canceled due to operator reasons, the reservation will be canceled and the fee will be refunded.
[In case of cancellation by someone other than the operator] Please select “Cancel reservation” from “Contact us” and proceed with the refund procedure.